Thursday, July 30, 2009

Good morning from Marci & Emily!

Good morning! Yes, Marci is feeling very refreshed. Finally a good night's sleep. Emily and I both slept through the night and until 9:00am - in a hospital. Unheard of. I know I feel much better and can offer better care to Emily now that I am rested. Emily had a fever last night, then went up a little. The nurse waited to give her Tylenol so we could see if it went up more. That would give an idea if she had an infection. But, thank goodness, the fever didn't go up, and seemed to be a normal part of post surgery. Emily took some Tylenol and the fever came down. Emily had a few strawberries for breakfast and a few more bites of the McFlurry that her father bought her last night. Oreo. Is there another kind? She is lucky I didn't eat it myself it looked so good. She still has eggs and a croissant sitting here plus cocoa puffs, but she doesn't seem interested. We are much too busy passing the time with the Price is Right. She loves this show! Some things are so timeless, even with Drew Carey and no Bob Barker!
We went for a short little walk earlier in the wheelchair and Emily wanted me to take her to the Technology room where teens can go and hang out. Unfortunately, it was closed until later. We manuvered our way back to the room (thank goodness Emily was with me as I was completely lost). She certainly got her good sense of direction from Steve, so that is good). I say "manuvered" because interns and med students fill the hallways here so it is hard to get thru. It is a nice environment seeing all the young students though, so it is okay.
So, just waiting for Dr. Starr and will update soon.

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